Madeline Busuttil
Interior Design Manager
Customers are more educated on building materials and the industry, now than ever before, with the assistance of shows like the block, house rules and also with the influence of social media, i.e. Pinterest and Instagram. Customers are now expecting their builders to be up to date with the latest products and trends.
The ACS Model will save you time as well as money. Part of this model provides builders with exclusive access to our Gallerie, which becomes an extension of your business and is designed to inspire your clients, while providing them with the confidence to make the right decisions through the selection process with the assistance from one of our qualified interior designers.
The software that we use and provide to our Gallerie Builders simplifies the admin work, so that our builder members have more time to build and sell, while being a part of our product buying group we are able to provide you with the best possible pricing from our suppliers which gives our builders a competitive edge in the market place.